Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon

First release
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Concept ID(s)

よるのないくに2 新月の花嫁
Yoru no Nai Kuni 2: Shingetsu no Hanayome
Age Ratings
CERO - C ESRB - T GSRR - 15 OFLC - M PEGI - 12 USK - 12

DualShock 4 Vibration
Remote Play Supported
Releases containing this game
Discs containing this game
Additional content for this game
Name Type Content IDs
Costume "Blue High School Uniform" DLC HP0106-CUSA09479_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE033
GUST Beauty Festival Bonus Theme Static Theme JP0106-PCSG00986_00-ASIADLC000000004
GUST Beauty Festival Bonus Theme Static Theme JP0106-CUSA06371_00-ASIADLC000000004
Night of Azure 2 Beauty Festival Bonus Theme Static Theme JP0106-CUSA06371_00-ASIADLC000000001
Night of Azure 2 Beauty Festival Bonus Theme Static Theme JP0106-PCSG00986_00-ASIADLC000000001
Nights of Azure 2: Bonus Costume, Blue High School Uniform DLC EP4108-CUSA09910_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE033
Nights of Azure 2: Bonus Costume, Blue High School Uniform DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE033
Nights of Azure 2: Bonus Costume, Timenoid restrains DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE053
Nights of Azure 2: Bonus Costume, Timenoid restrains DLC EP4108-CUSA09910_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE053
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Game EP4108-CUSA09910_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE000
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Game JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE000
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Game UP4108-CUSA09924_00-ASIATSOFAZURE000
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Game JP0106-CUSA06371_00-ASIATSOFAZURE000
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Game UP4108-CUSA09924_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE000
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Game JP0106-PCSG00986_00-ASIATSOFAZURE000
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Game JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE000
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon Game HP0106-CUSA09479_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE000
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon DLC 12 DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE012
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon DLC 23 DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE023
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon DLC 53 DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE053
Nights of Azure 2: The Foreigner in a Wonderland of Sweets DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE024
Nights of Azure 2: The Foreigner in a Wonderland of Sweets DLC EP4108-CUSA09910_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE024
Nights of Azure 2: Time Drifts Through the Moonlit Night DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE014
Nights of Azure 2: Time Drifts Through the Moonlit Night DLC EP4108-CUSA09910_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE014
The side story "The Foreigner in a Wonderland of Sweets" DLC HP0106-CUSA09479_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE024
The side story "The Foreigner in a Wonderland of Sweets" DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-ASIADLC000000005
The side story "The Foreigner in a Wonderland of Sweets" DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-ASIA000000000000
The side story "The Foreigner in a Wonderland of Sweets" DLC JP0106-CUSA06371_00-ASIADLC000000005
The side story "Time Drifts Through the Moonlit Night" DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-ASIA000000000000
The side story "Time Drifts Through the Moonlit Night" DLC JP0106-CUSA06371_00-ASIA000000000000
The side story "Time Drifts Through the Moonlit Night" DLC HP0106-CUSA09479_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE014
The side story "Time Drifts Through the Moonlit Night" DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-ASIA000000000001
Special Costume, Blue High School Uniform DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-ASIATSOFAZURE033
Special Costume for Aluche "Scarlet Stripes" DLC EP4108-CUSA09910_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE013
Special Costume for Aluche "Scarlet Stripes" DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE013
Special Servan "Hinagiku" DLC EP4108-CUSA09910_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE022
Special Servan "Hinagiku" DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE022
Special Servan "Puni" DLC EP4108-CUSA09910_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE012
Special Servan "Puni" DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE012
Special Servan "Schnee" DLC UP4108-CUSA09924_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE032
Special Servan "Schnee" DLC EP4108-CUSA09910_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE032
Special Theme Theme EP4108-CUSA09910_00-ETH0000000001579
[Unknown title] Unknown JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE023
[Unknown title] Unknown JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE033
アルーシェ専用衣装「スカーレットボーダー」 DLC HP0106-CUSA09479_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE013
アルーシェ専用衣装「スカーレットボーダー」 DLC JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE013
アルーシェ専用衣装「ダークナイトローズ」 DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE043
ガスト美少女祭り特別衣装「青き響きの学生服」 DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE033
ガスト美少女祭り特製テーマ Static Theme JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE039
ガスト美少女祭り特製テーマ Static Theme JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE039
サイドストーリー「お菓子の国のエトランゼ」 DLC JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE024
サイドストーリー「お菓子の国のエトランゼ」 DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE024
サイドストーリー「蒼い月夜に刻は彷徨う」 DLC JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE014
サイドストーリー「蒼い月夜に刻は彷徨う」 DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE014
『よるのないくに2』ファミ通特典 テーマ Theme JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE019
『よるのないくに2』ファミ通特典 テーマ DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE019
『よるのないくに2』美少女祭り特製テーマ Static Theme JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE029
『よるのないくに2』美少女祭り特製テーマ Static Theme JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE029
『よるのないくに2』電撃PlayStation®特典 テーマ DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE049
初回封入特典 アルーシェ専用衣装「スカーレットボーダー」 DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE013
特製従魔「シュネー」 DLC JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE032
特製従魔「シュネー」 DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE032
特製従魔「シュネー」 DLC HP0106-CUSA09479_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE032
特製従魔「ヒナギク」 DLC JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE022
特製従魔「ヒナギク」 DLC JP0106-PCSG00986_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE022
特製従魔「ヒナギク」 DLC HP0106-CUSA09479_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE022
特製従魔「プニ」 DLC JP0106-CUSA06371_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE012
特製従魔「プニ」 DLC HP0106-CUSA09479_00-NIGHTSOFAZURE012