Far Cry: New Dawn

Back to CUSA-13917
Version 01.06

- Minor stability fixes.

Version 01.05

1. Missions
- Fixed an issue where the mission would update when breaking the mannequin head while under the effect of the Wrath perk.
- Fixed an issue where Nick would not always escort the player upon starting "The Great Escape" mission.
- Fixed a rare instance where the player could respawn outside of the Homebase during "Find Hope" mission.
- Fixed an issue where "Under Siege" objective would update under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where the player could be stuck in an infinite mission fail loop during "Adventures in Babysitting".
- Fixed an issue where the water wheel of mission "Into the Wild" could not be activated under specific circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to push Selene into the water. This would prevent the player from being able to speak to her.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to leave the arena without a mission fail.

2. Expedition
- Fixed an issue where Elite enemies were not always spawning during the "Five Stars Theme Park" Hard & Expert difficulty.

3. World
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to get an invisible vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where New Eden characters were missing props.

4. Cinematic
- Improve visual effect during "Ethan's Soul" cinematic.

5. UI
- Fixed an issue where the Pause menu would start scrolling down by itself.
- Fixed an issue where crafting Molotov and Proximity Explosive were not the same between the Workbench and Throwables menu.
- Fixed an issue where the binocular visual would appear locked while sitting in the passenger seat.
- Fixed an issue where the Buggy Blueprint prices differ from the different menus.
- Fixed an issue where outline boxes were visible during the loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where UI elements would appear cropped when using specific TV setup.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to get stuck with the revive icon under specific circumstances.
- Fixed an issue with HDR quality when enabled.
- Fixed an issue where outfit icon would not always appear as it should upon equipping it.

6. Audio
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the client would lose the background music under specific circumstances.

7. Gameplay
- Fixed an issue where the camera would spin while fighting with the Bolted Pipe melee weapon.
- Fixed an issue where helicopter controls visual feedback would stop working upon death.
- Fixed an animation issue with the Fang for Hire under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where the visual effect of the Wrath buff would disappear while being suppressed.
- Fixed an issue where Gun for Hire unlocks were not counted toward challenges under specific circumstances.
- Improve visual effect when a specific object is destroyed.
- Fixed a rare instance where players could get stuck on an infinite black screen during an Outpost Celebration.
- Fixed a rare instance where a placeholder object would appear upon using a parachute or wingsuit.

8. Weapons
- Fixed an issue where a red visual was covering some sniper attachments under specific circumstances.

9. Photomode
- Fixed an issue where NPC corpses would spawn from the world if the camera would be too close.

10. NPC
- Improved Hurk tattoo to match Far Cry® 5's look.
- Fixed a few minor graphical issues.

11. CO-OP
- Fixed an issue where both players would receive the "Take Picture" objective message from "A thousand Words" mission.
- Fixed an issue when leaving a CO-OP session the client was not always redirected to the main menu.
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on a black screen after "Under Siege" mission.

12. Crash and Stability
- Fixed some stability issues caused by general gameplay.

Version 01.04

1. Missions
- Fixed an issue where an entity would fail to spawn in an expedition.
- Fixed an issue where the player can be stuck on a roof when parachuting during an expedition.
- Fixed an issue where a note could disappear when playing in CO-OP.
- Fixed an issue where a mission objective would not update under some conditions in a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where the player could push a NPC just before a cinematic.
- Fixed an issue where the client's camera could be stuck during cinematics.
- Fixed an issue where some NPC would suddenly be hostile towards the player.
- Fixed an issue where reinforcements would not spawn during a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where the player could be stuck in a black screen during a specific mission after triggering an event.
- Fixed an issue where a specific mission would fail when the player entered a vehicle too early.
- Fixed an issue where Carmina would fail to teach the player about the workbench when starting a second new game.
- Fixed an issue where the whole game world could be covered in fog under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a specific mission could fail if the player took an enemy vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where the player would be unable to complete a specific mission if some objects burned.
- Fixed an issue where a dialog line was missing during a cinematic.
- Fixed an issue where some dialog lines could be repeated twice in a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where dogs could be missing in cages in a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where a specific character could still be highlighted by Timber after being defeated.
- Fixed an issue where a mission would not fail if a critical character died during a specific objective.
- Fixed an issue where a character would not enter a helicopter after the completion of a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where the player could jump out of the arena and be unable to complete a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where a helicopter could spawn out of reach of the players during a specific expedition.
- Fixed an issue where a splash screen would not be displayed at the end of a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where the player had to go through an extra loading screen towards the end of the game.
- Fixed an issue where some Guns For Hire would pop out at the end of a specific cinematic.
- Fixed an issue where a lightning flash was too intense during a specific cinematic.
- Fixed a typo on a note located in one of the expeditions.
- Fixed an issue where some vehicles could not spawn at the beginning of a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where the water would not lower if the dialogue was skipped during a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where an objective was skipped after a reload in a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where the windmill puzzle visual was not updating if the player moved away from it.
- Fixed an issue where Hurk was getting out of the vehicle and blocking a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to push an objective bag using the Wrath ability.

2. Homebase
- Added a tip to guide players towards the Homebase's helipad.

3. World
- Fixed an issue where the player was unable to pick up a Baseball Bat at one location.
- Fixed an issue where the player was unable to pick up a Medkit at specific locations.
- Fixed an issue where unresponsive enemies could be found at a specific location.
- Fixed an issue where some enemies could spawn inside a rock at a specific location.
- Fixed an issue where some enemies could spawn under the ground during an Outpost reinforcement.
- Fixed an issue where the user could be stuck in a black screen if an Outpost was completed while the player revived his Gun For Hire.
- Fixed an issue where the Outpost name wouldn't display during the celebration cinematic.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to have an interactable placeholder asset on the helipad.
- Fixed an issue where the player was appearing in combat at the Blacklung Mine fast travel point.
- Fixed an issue where a Highwaymen flamer had a bad pathfinding.

4. UI
- Fixed an issue where driving control tips would not be displayed if the player spawned inside a vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where the button prompt to track some animal pelts was missing.
- Fixed an issue where the player was unable to equip upper and lower body items under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the amount of materials left would not be correctly updated after crafting a Medkit.
- Fixed an issue where the player's clothes would not change if he moved to another menu too quickly.
- Fixed an issue where the default outfit would briefly appear on the 3D model when the player changed his appearance.
- Fixed an issue where the player's customization was not applied if the player used the randomization option too quickly.
- Fixed an issue where some menus could become unresponsive.
- Fixed an issue where the icon to find Timber would be missing from the map after acquiring the intel.
- Fixed an issue where the ability to track a specific material would be unlocked after discovering a specific location.
- Fixed an issue where a warning would still be red even with the colorblind mode active.
- Fixed icon inconsistencies with some expedition rewards and some options in the interface tab.
- Fixed a misleading message when attempting to upgrade weapons.
- Fixed an issue where the ammo count in the Weapon Wheel would not update after purchasing ammo in the Homebase.
- Fixed an issue where a freshness indicator would appear in the store menu after purchasing a piece of clothing.
- Fixed an issue where mission specific outfits could be unequipped when entering the clothing store.
- Fixed an issue where the grapple icon would still appear even if the player turned off the HUD.
- Fixed an issue where the weapon's highlight in the workbench would remains in other menues.
- Fixed an issue where a button in the In-Game store would not restore the connection to said store.
- Fixed an issue where the highlight of a category in the workbench would disappear if the player pressed two buttons simultaneously.
- Fixed an issue where the menu selection's highlight could disappear when changing tabs.
- Fixed an issue where the clothing icons could revert to default in the character menu.
- Updated the description of a perk to reflect all of its functionalities.
- Fixed some discrepancy issues between the display of the 3D models of some flamethrowers in the shop and the weapon workbench.
- Fixed an issue where a weapon thumbnail was mismatched with the workbench.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to have an empty menu after a Far Cry® services error.
- Fixed an issue where the upper body customization thumbnail was mismatched while wearing the Space Ape outfit.
- Improved fog and cloud effects in the expedition Alcatraz Island.
- Updated the Unicorn Flamethrower thumbnail in the Premium shop.
- Fixed an issue where Facial hair, headwear and gloves icons were still showing in the customization menu after being unequipped.
- Fixed an issue with the scavenge pop-up that was not appearing under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue with the Talk prompt that was displayed during the cinematic transition screen.
- Fixed an issue where the outfit icon was not displayed if the player equiped each piece one by one.
- Fixed an issue with Timber's health bar being offset while driving a car.

5. Audio
- Fixed an issue where some door sound effects would be looping under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where helicopter sounds would keep playing in some cinematics if the player was piloting that vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where some music could keep on playing if the player disconnected his controller during certain cinematics.
- Fixed an issue where sound effects could be muffled after respawning during a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where a radio call would be repeated twice.
- Fixed an issue where water splash was heard outside of water if a 4cab was moving underwater.
- Fixed an issue where players were losing part of the sounds after disconnecting their controllers during an expedition.

6. Gameplay
- Fixed an issue where a button would trigger multiple actions when driving with the "Shooter" control configuration.
- Fixed an issue where a bag would not grant the loot inside of it.
- Fixed an issue where the Guns For Hire's command icon would still be displayed on Elite enemies even when they are not visible.
- Fixed an issue where throwables were misplaced in the player's hand while driving a specific vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where the Wrath effect would not stop when the player was in downstate.
- Fixed an issue where the number of kills for Guns For Hire doesn't match between the Challenge tab and the Roster tab.
- Fixed an issue where some vehicle textures could be missing under some specific conditions.
- Improved ragdoll reaction against some vehicle types.
- Fixed an issue where weapons were disappearing after the Outpost celebration cinematic under certain conditions.

7. Weapons
- Adjusted melee damage of some of the shovels.
- Fixed an issue where some ammo would be missing upon reloading.
- Fixed an issue where a visual effect could be stuck on some sniper rifles when picked up by the player.
- Fixed an issue where the AJM9 - Blood Dragon highlight was being seen through the host body.
- Fixed an issue where the rumble effect was missing when holstering and unholstering the Saw Launcher.

8. Photo Mode
- Improve the visual of the Recurved Bow - Blood Dragon in Photo mode.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs was getting hurt by the flame from the flamethrower while in Photo mode.
- Fixed an issue where some glow effects were very bright in expeditions when changing the time of the day.

9. NPC
- Fixed an issue where Guns For Hire would stop being highlighted if the player revived them in water.
- Fixed an issue where the player could still find old animal models in the wild.
- Fixed an issue where Carmina could drop her weapon when she died.
- Fixed an issue where the Highwaymen & Survivor NPCs had a sniper weapon attached during binocular animation.

10. Localization
- Fixed an issue where the Spanish subtitles would not match the dialog in a specific scene.
- Fixed an issue where the voice-over button would be displayed on the difficulty selection screen when playing in languages other than English.

11. Trophies
- Fixed an issue where a trophy would not trigger for the client after completing the requirements.
- Fixed an issue where a trophy was triggered too early.

12. CO-OP
- Fixed an issue where the player could encounter an infinite black screen while playing in CO-OP during some specific missions.
- Fixed an issue where the client would spawn in a bad sector when joining the host under some specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the client could trigger a vehicle booby trap when spawning in a helicopter.
- Fixed an issue where the client's health would not fill up after upgrading the infirmary.
- Fixed an issue where the splash screen could be stuck on screen when playing treasure hunts in CO-OP.
- Fixed an issue where the client was not restricted by the host's workbench level when attempting to craft weapons.
- Fixed an issue where expeditions could not be unlocked when playing in CO-OP.
- Fixed an issue where pill bottles could be highlighted and visible through the host's body.
- Fixed an issue where expert level expeditions would not be counted as completed for the client.
- Fixed an issue where the player could end up being unable to finish a specific mission if the client died during one of the objectives.
- Fixed an issue where the client would spawn out of the world after dying during a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where the host and client would be stuck in a black screen if they triggered a mission under some specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a player's tag would overlaps with some text in the workbench store.
- Fixed a replication issue with the World Map.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to see Joseph in T pose near the New Eden compound while playing in CO-OP.
- Fixed an issue where completing expert difficulty expeditions were not count toward the client.
- Fixed an issue where some parts of the semi-legendary vehicle were disappearing upon connection in CO-OP.
- Fixed an issue where one of the players could get teleported out of the radiation zone while using an inflatable boat.
- Fixed an issue where the camera for the client was misplaced after getting up from the ground in a cinematic.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for the client to lose the consumables visual from the combat supplies sections.

13. Crash and Stability
- Fixed some stability issues caused by general gameplay.
- Fixed some stability issues caused when client connects to the host to play in CO-OP.
- Fixed a stability issue caused by approaching certain locations while the CO-OP partner is in spectator mode.
- Fixed a stability issue caused by breaking windows during a specific mission.
- Fixed a stability issue caused by some menus during a specific mission.
- Fixed a stability issue caused by jumping in a water tank too early during a specific mission.
- Fixed a stability issue caused by the character customization menu.
- Fixed a stability issue caused by Photo mode.

Version 01.02

1. Missions
- Fixed an issue where the player would keep some weapons in his inventory during specific missions.
- Added a missing underwater effect during some missions.
- Fixed an issue where enemy AIs could occasionally get stuck during specific activities.
- Fixed an issue with an AI running away too early in a specific mission.
- Fixed an exploit where the player could enter a VIP room by another location.
- Fixed an issue where finishing two specific missions at the same time could prevent one of them from ever completing.
- Fixed an issue where the client would spawn in the floor if he connected at the wrong moment during a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where the player would not receive some radio calls under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the player could see an NPC weapon passing through their model in a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the completion of a mission if another mission was active at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where a warning message was missing when an ally needed help during a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where the player would find himself stuck outside of homebase during a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent a mission from failing and restarting even if the fail conditions were met.
- Fixed an issue where some shaders were missing if the player loaded the game with only the launch portion installed.
- Fixed an issue where debug text would appear in the screen instead of the correct tip with alternative driving controls.

2. Homebase
- Adjusted precondition on some of the NPCs lines in the homebase.

3. World
- Fixed an issue where some corpses would not be replicated correctly for the client.
- Fixed an issue where an alarm prop could spawn inside another prop in a specific location.
- Fixed an issue where some trees and rocks would disappear and reappear in a specific location.

4. UI
- Fixed an issue where the red icons for enemies would not be displayed correctly in the compass.
- Fixed an issue where the client could get a visual cue as if he could upgrade infrastructures in the homebase.
- Adjusted icons for certain expedition rewards.
- Fixed an issue where interaction prompt could become invisible.
- Fixed an issue where some splash screens would remain stuck on the client's screen.
- Fixed an issue where the client could not see the host's health bar if the host was low on health.
- Fixed a visual issue where the health bar was not properly centered in its box.
- Fixed an issue where the progression panels were missing when zooming out of the map.
- Fixed an issue where text to speech would slow the navigation in some menues.
- Fixed an issue where detection meters would stay on screen after the enemy's death.

5. Audio
- Fixed several issues where the audio from main menu would keep playing in other menues.

6. Gameplay
- Fixed several issues with different Ubisoft Club rewards.
- Fixed an issue where a specific vehicle was not available for purchase in the menu store.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the client from being able to perform takedowns.
- Fixed an issue where the host's ammo clip for a specific weapon was visible through his body.
- Fixed an issue where some explosion visual effect could become too bright with HDR settings activated.
- Fixed an issue where wingsuit feedback would be replaced after toggling weapon wheel while falling.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the player from crafting medkits after reassigning gamepad controls.

7. Weapons
- Fixed an issue where the player could end up being unable to use a melee weapons.
- Fixed some weapons textures and special effects.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from upgrading a specific weapon.

8. Photomode
- Fixed an issue where the game speed would be affected by changing the time of day in photomode during a specific mission.

9. NPC
- Fixed an issue where Timber's eyes would not appear the same at night.

10. Localization
- Fixed an issue where subtitle text size would reset.

11. Trophies
- Updated some trophies' titles.

12. COOP
- Fixed connectivity issues after unplugging and replugging LAN cable.

13. Crash and Stability
- Fixed several stability issues with general gameplay.
- Fixed several stability issues caused by some expedition rewards.
- Fixed a stability issue caused by some outfits.
- Fixed a stability issue with the loot system.
- Fixed an issue where an error could occur after returning to title from the PlayStation™Store.

Version 01.01

1. Missions
- Fixed various low-repro walkthrough breaks in Act 1, 2 & 3.
- Fixed minor issues within missions.
- Fixed some objective marker issues that were not displayed correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the "Dear Photograph" matched count was not registered under specific condition.
- Fixed an issue where both players were getting an infinite loading screen if an Outpost was liberated by the client while the host was starting a mission.
- Fixed a timing issue where both players could get stuck using the truck during "Inside Job".
- Fixed various Client specific issues within the missions & Homebase.
- Fixed an issue where Ethanol was not provided to the user if he had died with the tanker once before.

2. Homebase
- Fixed an issue where the client was unable to interact with the Homebase door.
- Fixed an issue where the lighting was changing during "Find Hope" cinematic.
- Fixed an issue where the Homebase door was not opening under specific conditions.

3. World
- Fixed an issue where the user was able to walk underwater at a specific location.

4. UI
- Improved display behaviours on icons, prompts and texts on various HUD elements.
- Fixed some 3D Models/thumbnails display issues within the Menus.
- Fixed an issue where resetting all settings in the Audio and video submenu would not reset the "Subtitles" to it default setting.
- Fixed an issue where the expedition difficulty was not displayed correctly.
- Fixed a visual replication issue on Client health bar after the Homebase infirmary was upgraded.
- Fixed various pop-up notification issues in Coop.

5. Audio
- Fixed an issue where the "Missile" warning sound would not adjust to the distance in coop.
- Fixed an issue where Nana or Guns for Hire line would repeat indefinitely when interrupted by the "Rusty SVD".
- Fixed an issue where the wounded VFX and audio were missing under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where C4 & proximity explosive pick-up sound was not playing.
- Fixed an issue where audio was out of sync in Rye family flashback cinematic.
- Fixed an issue where the injured sound was missing for the coop partners.
- Fixed an issue where the breathing sound from exiting water and cough stim within smoke were not playing for the client.
- Fixed an issue where the "Back" sound was not playing when exiting the first store page.
- Fixed an issue where the "Back" sound was playing twice from the clothes store.

6. Gameplay
- Improved the bayonet finisher when user was too close to some objects.
- Fixed takedown animation on sitting NPC.
- Improved vaulting behaviours that was causing some collision issue while holding a slingshot.
- Reduced physics reaction when kicking a dead NPC in the mask/helmet
- Fixed an issue where the tag functionality was not registered properly.
- Fixed an issue where the user was unable to refill his equipped melee stash under certain conditions.
- Fixed a rare issue where vehicles were not spawning correctly after a fast travel.
- Fixed med kit hand placement while driving Carmina Plane.
- Fixed an issue where client was dealt less damage on gunner and sniper NPCs during a coop session.
- Fixed an issue where the user or Guns for Hire was not placed correctly in the helicopter during expeditions.
- Fixed an issue where the client was getting stuck after a crocodile quick time event attack.
- Fixed an issue where the Ubisoft Club consumables reward was not retrieved properly.
- Improved collision on destroyed Cargo truck vehicles.

7. Challenges & Perks
- Fixed an issue where the Client was able to have the Time Lapse prompts.
- Fixed an issue where enemies killed from some special ammo was not counted towards "Burning Sensation" challenge.
- Improved sound feedback on certain actions.
- Fixed an issue where the client was unable to acquire "Master Takedowns" perk in a coop session.

8. Weapons
- Improved saw launcher's hit detection against NPC riding Jetski.
- Improved saw launcher's hit detection through car windshields.
- Fixed an issue where special ammo was not registered as it should on elite NPCs and non-penetrable materials.
- Fixed some misplaced animation with specific weapons while riding certain type of vehicles.
- Fixed an issue where some weapon reload animations were broken.
- Fixed an issue where the host was unable to use a mounted weapon while the client was driving.

9. Photomode
- Fixed an issue where the turret would be invisible in Photomode.
- Fixed an issue where some facial expressions were not changing in Photomode.
- Fixed a low-repro issue where VFX were not going away upon exiting Photomode.
- Fixed an issue where the player pose would be broken while aiming with the .44 Magnum.

10. NPC
- Fixed Carmina's weapon placement while seating in the passenger seat.
- Fixed an issue where Quest givers were playing a turning animation upon giving missions.
- Fixed an issue where Level 3 heavy gunners were not affected by certain type of explosions.
- Improved Elite AI replication for clients during reinforcement.
- Fixed a skin texture issue on highway female characters when certain conditions where met.
- Improved physics reaction time with Highway man helmet when being broken.
- Improved animal reactions.
- Improved carcass placement while being scavenged by animals.

11. Guns for hire
- Fixed an issue where Timber was retrieving NPC's side arm.
- Improved Timber tag ability.

12. Character
- Improved short and bald hairstyle visuals.

13. Localization
- Fixed some text cut off issue in the subtitle after a square brackets.
- Fixed an issue where the context video was not starting in the selected language the first time.
- Fixed an issue where text objective was displayed as a debug string.

14. Trophies
- Fixed an issue where user was able to unlock "Legend has it" using Far Cry® Credits and crafting a weapon of any type.
- Fixed an issue where Medkit crafted at Workbench was not counting toward "How's it look, Doc?".

15. Exploit
- Fixed possible infinite ammo exploit while playing in Coop.

16. Crash and Stability
- Fixed some low-repro stability issues near Prosperity & Expedition.
- Fixed a flow issue in the gender selection screen.
- Fixed a stability issue in the Avatar Customization.
- Fixed possible memory leak issues while leaving the game running for an extended amount of time in the menus.
- Fixed stability issues with specific timing interaction in Coop.
- Fixed a black screen issue when user was doing some manipulation with console profiles.
- Fixed a timing issue where the user would be stuck on a black screen upon invoking Photomode.