Avicii Invector

Back to CUSA-18271
Version 01.05

Changes and bug fixes:
Fixed many of the crash bugs.
Refactored the input system to fix the button prompts.
Massive optimizations, making the game run better and have shorter loading pauses.
Smoother menu flow.
Added Turkish localization

DLC including news songs and a new world

Version 01.04

Added Traditional Chinese
Added Danish (Translation by Mathias Thulin)

Fix for graphics settings
Fix for missing badges in song select
Fix high score bug, where you always placed 10th even if you did not make it to top 10
Removed misplace badges glow in song select
Fix flashing triangle tunnel
Optimization in the Valley Level

Changed how % is displayed. Previously the % updated for every successful and missed pickup. Now it starts at 100 and only goes down for every missed one.

Version 01.03

Improved performance and bug fixes.
Hard difficulty is availble from start.

Version 01.02

Improved performance and bug fixes.

Version 01.01
